Privacy Terms

Privacy Policy Introduction

Benjamin Fine Jewelry, operated by Benlucky Diamonds Co Ltd, respects your privacy and is committed to protecting the personal information that you share with us. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information. By visiting our Website or using our services, you accept and consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

By accessing or using our Website, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the collection, use, and disclosure practices described herein.

Benjamin Fine Jewelry, operated by Ben Lucky Diamonds Co Ltd (referred to as "we," "us," or "our"), is registered in Thailand. However, we operate under the name Benjamin Fine Jewelry for our brand identity.

Interpretation and Definitions

The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or plural.

  • Account means a unique account created for you to access our Service or parts of our Service.
  • Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer, mobile device, or any other device by a website, containing details of your browsing history on that Website among its many uses.
  • Customer refers to any individual who purchases our products.
  • Service refers to the Website.
  • Personal Data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.
  • Usage Data refers to data collected automatically, either generated by the use of the
    Service or from the Service infrastructure itself (for example, the duration of a page
  • The Website refers to Benjamin Fine Jewelry, accessible
  • You mean the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal
    entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.

Purpose of the Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about the types of personal information we collect, how we use and share that information, and the choices you have regarding our collection, use, and sharing practices. This Privacy Policy also explains how we protect your personal information and how you can contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Scope of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the personal information that we collect through our
Website,, as well as any other online or offline services that we provide. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of third-party websites or services that we do not own or control, even if we provide a link to such sites or services. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of those third-party websites and services before sharing any personal information with them.

Information We Collect Personal Information

We collect personal information that you provide to us when you make a purchase, create an account, sign up for our newsletter, or contact us through our website. This personal information may include your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, payment information, and any other information you choose to provide to us.

Non-Personal Information

We also collect non-personal information about your use of our website, such as the type of device you are using, your browser type, your IP address, and the pages you visit on our site. We use this information to improve our website and services and to better understand how our visitors use our website.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect information about your use of our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit our website. We use cookies to remember your preferences and provide you with a better user experience. We also use cookies to track your use of our website for marketing and advertising purposes.

Third-Party Sources

We may also collect personal information about you from third-party sources, such as social media platforms or data providers. We use this information to enhance and personalize your shopping experience and to better understand our customers.

How We Use Your Information Providing Services to You

We use your personal information to provide you with the products and services you request, such as processing your orders and shipping your purchases. We may also use your personal information to communicate with you about your orders, to respond to your inquiries, and to provide customer support.

Improving Our Website and Services

We use your personal information to improve our Website and services, such as by analyzing customer trends and preferences, troubleshooting technical problems, and testing new features.

Marketing and Advertising

We may use your personal information to send you marketing and advertising communications about our products and services, as well as to personalize and improve our marketing and advertising efforts. You can opt out of receiving marketing communications from us at any time by following the instructions in the communication.

Legal Compliance

We may use and disclose your personal information to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and legal processes, as well as to protect our rights and property and those of our customers and third parties.

How We Share Your Information

At Benjamin Fine Jewelry, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. We may share your information with the following parties for the purposes described below:


Our store is hosted on Shopify Inc. They provide us with the online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you.

Your data is stored through Shopify's data storage, databases and the general Shopify application. They store your data on a secure server behind a firewall.


If you choose a direct payment gateway to complete your purchase, then Shopify stores your credit card data. It is encrypted through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Your purchase transaction data is stored only as long as is necessary to complete your purchase transaction. After that is complete, your purchase transaction history is deleted.

All direct payment gateways adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers.

For more insight, you may also want to read Shopify's Terms of Service or Privacy Statement. Third-Party Service Providers:

We may share your information with third-party service providers that perform services on our behalf, such as payment processing, shipping, and marketing. These service providers may access your personal information only as necessary to provide these services to us.

Affiliates and Business Partners:

We may share your information with our affiliates and business partners for marketing and other purposes that we believe may be of interest to you.

Law Enforcement and Government Agencies:

We may share your information with law enforcement or other government agencies as required by law, court order, or other legal process or as necessary to protect our rights, property, or safety, or the rights, property, or safety of others.


Your Rights and Choices

We want you to be in control of your personal information and offer the following options for managing your information:

Accessing and Updating Your Information:

You have the right to access and update the personal information that we have collected, subject to certain exceptions. You can do this by logging into your account on our website or by contacting us at

Opting Out of Marketing Communications:

You may choose to opt out of receiving marketing communications from us at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions included in the communication or by contacting by email.

Changing Your Cookie Preferences:

You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies or to alert you when websites set or access cookies. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of our Website may become inaccessible or not function properly.

Exercising Other Privacy Rights:

You may have additional privacy rights under applicable laws, such as the right to request that we delete your personal information or the right to object to our processing of your personal information. To exercise these rights, please contact us by email.

Additional Information

Please review the following additional information about our privacy practices:

Use of Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track user activity on our Site. Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our Site. This data is shared with other Google services, and Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its advertising network.

You can opt out of having your activity on the Site available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. The add-on prevents Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from sharing information with Google Analytics about visits activity.

For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page:

Use of Facebook Pixel

We use Facebook Pixel to track user activity on our Site and to serve targeted ads on Facebook. Facebook Pixel is an analytics tool that allows us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising by understanding the actions people take on our Site.

You can control the ads you see on Facebook by adjusting your ad preferences in your account settings. You can also opt out of Facebook's interest-based ads by following the instructions in Facebook's ad preferences settings.

For more information on the privacy practices of Facebook, please visit the Facebook Data Policy web page:

Use of Instagram Pixel

We use Instagram Pixel to track user activity on our Site and to serve targeted ads on Instagram. Instagram Pixel is an analytics tool that allows us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising by understanding the actions people take on our Site.

You can control the ads you see on Instagram by adjusting your ad preferences in your Instagram account settings. You can also opt out of Instagram's interest-based ads by following the instructions in Instagram's ad preferences settings.

For more information on the privacy practices of Instagram, please visit the Instagram Data Policy web page:

Use of Pinterest Tag

We use Pinterest Tag to track user activity on our Site and to serve targeted ads on Pinterest. Pinterest Tag is an analytics tool that allows us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising by understanding the actions people take on our Site.

You can control the ads you see on Pinterest by adjusting your ad preferences in your Pinterest account settings. You can also opt out of Pinterest's interest-based ads by following the instructions in Pinterest's ad preferences settings.


For more information on the privacy practices of Pinterest, please visit the Pinterest Privacy Policy web page:

Use of Twitter Pixel

We use Twitter Pixel to track user activity on our Site and to serve targeted ads on Twitter. Twitter Pixel is an analytics tool that allows us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising by understanding the actions people take on our Site.

You can control the ads you see on Twitter by adjusting your ad preferences in your Twitter account settings. You can also opt out of Twitter's interest-based ads by following the instructions in Twitter's ad preferences settings.

For more information on the privacy practices of Twitter, please visit the Twitter Privacy Policy web page:


The Site is not intended for individuals under the age of 18. We don’t intentionally collect personal information from children. If you are a parent or guardian and believe your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us ar service@benjaminfinejewelry and we will promptly delete the information.

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Please review it periodically for any updates.

Data Security and Retention

We take reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We use industry-standard security technologies and procedures to help protect your information. However, please note that no data transmission over the Internet or information storage can be guaranteed 100% secure. We retain your information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.


Data Retention Practices

We retain your information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected and to comply with legal obligations.



Any changes made to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this page and effective upon posting. You are encouraged to check this website periodically to learn more about the information that we collect, use and share. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and forms part of, the Terms and Conditions of our website, which governs your use of our website.


What are Cookies? When you visit a website, cookies are small text files placed on your device (computer, smartphone, or tablet). They are widely used to make websites work more efficiently and provide a personalized browsing experience. Cookies may also store information about your preferences and browsing activities.

How We Use Cookies

We use cookies for various purposes, including but not limited to:

Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the operation of our Website. They enable core functionality, such as accessing secure areas, navigating between pages, and adding items to your shopping cart. Without these cookies, certain features of our Website may not be available.

Analytical and Performance Cookies: We use these cookies to analyze how visitors use our Website, track website performance, and gather anonymous statistical data. This helps us improve the functionality and user experience of our Website.

Functional Cookies: These cookies allow our Website to remember your choices and provide enhanced features and personalized content. For example, we may use functional cookies to remember your language preference or display customized product recommendations.

Advertising and Targeting Cookies: We may work with third-party advertising networks that use cookies to deliver relevant advertisements to you on our Website and other websites you visit. These cookies collect information about your browsing activities and interests to provide targeted advertisements.

Social Media Cookies: Our Website may include social media features or links to social media platforms. These features may set cookies on your device to track your interactions with social media platforms or enable you to share content from our Website on social media.

Your Cookie Choices: You can manage and control cookies through your browser settings. You can set your browser to accept or reject cookies, delete existing cookies, or prompt you before accepting a cookie from websites you visit. Please note that if you choose to disable or refuse cookies, some parts of our Website may not function properly or be inaccessible.

Third-Party Cookies: We may allow third-party service providers, such as analytics or advertising companies, to place cookies on our Website. These third parties may collect information about your online activities across different websites, including our Website, to provide targeted advertisements based on your interests.

Cookie Disclosure



Google Analytics



Google (GTM/GA)


Name of cookie


Type Duration

24 Hours

68 Years

30 Minutes

1 Minute

Persistent 1 Hour


Google Analytics


Used to distinguish users.


2 Years



Used to distinguish users.



Google Analytics


Used to throttle request rate.




Dotdash client id - Used to identify unique browsers






Dotdash session id - Used to identify all activity within a session








AB Testing segmentation information





Tracks recent pageviews for visitor

Used to throttle request rate.


1 Minute


30 Minutes




Page view count by user on site


30 Minutes




Client Id


1 Hour


Provider Name of cookie

Google DFP __gads


Ad targeting

Type Duration

Persistent 2 Years

30 Minutes

Persistent 9 Mo




Scroll position tracking




Client tracking information





Contains a token that can be used to retrieve a Client ID from AMP Client ID service. Other possible values indicate opt-out, inflight request or an error retrieving a Client ID from AMP Client ID service.


1 Hour

Bounce Exchange


Maintain ads and personalization profile

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

At Benjamin Fine Jewelry, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers. To provide our services and enhance your shopping experience, we may need to disclose your personal information to third parties. Please read the following section to understand how and why we share your information.

Third-Party Service Providers, We may disclose your personal information to third-party service providers who assist us in performing various functions necessary for our business operations. These providers may include IT, data storage and hosting providers, web developers, server providers, debt collectors, maintenance and problem-solving providers, marketing providers, professional advisors, and payment system operators. Rest assured that we carefully select our service providers and require them to handle your personal information securely and in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

Employees, Contractors, and Related Entities In certain circumstances, we may disclose your personal information to our employees, contractors, and related entities who require access to such data to fulfill their roles and responsibilities in serving you. We ensure that these individuals and entities understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and security of your personal information.

Legal Requirements and Law Enforcement We may disclose your personal information to comply with legal obligations or respond to lawful requests from regulatory authorities, courts, or law enforcement officers. This may include situations where we need to establish, exercise, or

defend our legal rights or protect the rights, property, or safety of our customers, employees, or others.

Third-Party Partners and Subcontractors To provide you with information, products, services, or direct marketing that may interest you, we may grant access to your personal information to third-party partners and subcontractors who assist us in delivering these offerings. These partners and subcontractors are carefully chosen, and we ensure that they handle your personal information responsibly and in accordance with our privacy standards.

Analytics We utilize various technologies and third-party tools to analyze and process data about your interaction with our services. These tools help us improve our services, enhance your experience, and tailor our marketing efforts. Some of our analytics partners include Google Analytics, LinkedIn Analytics, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these platforms to understand how they collect, use, and protect your information. You may also find information on how to opt out of their analytics practices through the provided links.

Social Media Platforms Our services may feature social media buttons or widgets, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and YouTube. These buttons and widgets may collect your IP address and track your interaction with our services. They may also place cookies on your device to ensure the proper functioning of these features. Your interactions with these social media platforms are governed by their respective privacy policies.

Protecting Your Privacy At Benjamin Fine Jewelry, we prioritize safeguarding your privacy. We strive to work with trusted partners and service providers who share our commitment to safeguarding your personal information. Rest assured that we take reasonable measures to ensure that your information is handled securely and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

If you have any questions or concerns about disclosing your personal information to third parties or want more information about our privacy practices, please contact us at Our privacy team is available to assist you and address any inquiries.

California Residents' Rights

As a California resident, you have certain rights regarding your data. Please review the following section to understand your rights and how to exercise them. If you have any questions about these rights or how to exercise them, please contact us at


  • As a California resident, you have the right to request information about collecting and using your personal data over the past 12 months. To fulfill your request, we will provide the following details:
  • The categories of personal data we have collected about you.
  • The sources from which we collected your data.
  • The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your data.
  • The categories of third parties with whom we have shared your data.
  • The specific pieces of personal data we have collected about you.
    If we have disclosed your data to third parties for a business purpose within the past 12 months, we will identify the categories of personal data shared with each type of third-party recipient. If we have sold your data within the past 12 months, we will identify the types of personal data sold to each type of third-party recipient.
    You have the right to request the deletion of the personal data we have collected about you. However, please note that certain exceptions apply under the CCPA(California Consumer Privacy Act). For instance, we may need to retain your data to provide you with requested services, complete a transaction, or fulfill other lawful purposes. If your deletion request falls under these exceptions, we may deny your request.
    Exercising Your Rights
    To exercise your rights as described above, you need to submit a request that meets the following criteria:
  1. Provide sufficient information to verify your identity, either as the person about whom we have collected personal data or as an authorized agent on their behalf. Include your name and email address in the request.
  2. Please describe your request with enough detail for us to understand, evaluate, and respond to it. Only requests meeting both criteria will be considered valid. We may only respond to requests that meet these criteria. Please note that you do not need an account to submit a reasonable request.

We will strive to respond to your valid request within 45 days of receiving it. There is only a fee for making a valid request if it is excessive, repetitive, or unfounded. If we determine that your reasonable request requires payment, we will inform you of the price and explain our decision before proceeding with your request.

You may submit a valid request by emailing us at Additionally, if you wish to authorize an agent (an "authorized agent") to exercise your rights on your behalf, you must provide written permission to your authorized agent. We may request a copy of this written permission from your authorized agent when they submit a request on your behalf.

Personal Data Sales Opt-Out and Opt-In We want to clarify that, in accordance with the CCPA, we have not sold any personal data to third parties in the past 12 months. Furthermore, we do not sell the personal data of individuals under 16.


We do not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the CCPA. This means we will not deny you goods or services, charge you different prices or rates, or provide you with lower-quality goods and services if you exercise your rights. However, we may offer different service tiers with varying prices, rates, or levels of quality based on the value of the personal data we receive from you, as permitted by applicable data privacy laws, including the CCPA.

California Residents' Rights under the California Civil Code According to California Civil Code Sections 1798.83-1798.84, California residents have the right to contact us to prevent the disclosure of personal data to third parties for direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident and wish to exercise this right, please contact us at We will take the necessary steps to ensure your data is not disclosed to third parties for their direct marketing activities.

If you have any further questions or concerns or want more information about your privacy rights as a California resident, please do not hesitate to contact us at We are committed to protecting your privacy and will address any inquiries or requests promptly and in accordance with applicable laws.

Online Advertising

We prioritize the privacy of our customers and are dedicated to providing an exceptional online shopping experience. This section of our Privacy Policy focuses on how we handle online advertising and the use of your personal information in relation to our advertising practices.

When you visit our website,, certain information is automatically collected to enhance your browsing experience. This may include your IP address, browser type,

device information, and browsing behavior. Additionally, we may utilize cookies and similar technologies to gather relevant information. The information we collect helps us understand your preferences and interests, allowing us to provide you with personalized advertising and marketing communications.

Our primary goal in collecting this information is to deliver targeted advertisements that align with your interests and enhance your shopping experience. By analyzing your browsing behavior and inferred interests, we can present you with relevant advertisements on our website and other platforms you visit. We may also use this information to send you promotional emails or newsletters tailored to your preferences.

We collaborate with trusted third-party advertising partners, such as ad networks or social media platforms, to further enhance our advertising efforts. These partners may employ technologies like cookies, web beacons, and similar tracking mechanisms to collect information about browsing across different websites and platforms. The data they collect assists us in creating effective targeted advertising campaigns relevant to you.

Targeted advertising allows us to display advertisements based on your previous interactions with Benjamin Fine Jewelry or your inferred interests. When you visit our website or other platforms, you may see more personalized ads aligned with your preferences. These advertisements may be presented in various formats, such as banners, pop-ups, or sponsored content, ensuring your shopping experience is tailored to your needs.

We understand the importance of giving you choices and control over your personal information. If you prefer not to receive targeted advertisements, you can adjust your web browser's cookie settings or follow the instructions provided by our advertising partners for opting out. However, please note that opting out of targeted advertising does not mean you will no longer see any advertisements but that the ads you encounter may be less tailored to your specific interests.

At Benjamin Fine Jewelry, the security and confidentiality of your personal information are paramount. We have implemented robust security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure. We retain your information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy or as required by applicable laws and regulations.

International Users

By accessing or using our services, you consent to transferring and processing your information in and to the United States and other countries, where you may not have the same rights as you do under local law. We will protect the privacy and security of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, regardless of where it is processed or stored.

If you are located outside of the United States, please note that we may transfer your information, including personal information, to a country and jurisdiction that does not have the same data protection laws as your jurisdiction. You consent to share your information with the United States and other countries, regardless of location.

We comply with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union and Switzerland to the United States. We have certified that we adhere to the Privacy Shield Principles of the Department of Commerce. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. Please visit the Privacy Shield website to learn more about the Privacy Shield program and view our certification.

Changes to the Privacy Policy


Any changes made to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this page and effective upon posting. You are encouraged to check this website periodically to learn more about the information that we collect, use and share. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and forms part of, the Terms and Conditions of our website, which governs your use of our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at or the following address: